Improving Public Education through Collaboration, Leadership, and Advocacy

Now more than ever, the strength of America's school systems and the leadership of the individuals selected to manage them are critical factors in the success of our nation.  Policy leaders and educators throughout the United States agree on the need to prepare all students for success in postsecondary pursuits, the global workplace, and as fully engaged citizens in society—or in other words, for college, careers, and citizenship. This will require deep changes and in some cases the complete transformation of present day models of teaching and learning.

The members of the Large Countywide and Suburban District Consortium believe that by working together, without regard to political affiliation, they can not only broaden knowledge and understanding of successful models based on their records of success, but also provide much needed guidance on the types of practices that should be promoted through policy.

The Consortium is managed by EducationCounsel and operates in affiliation with AASA, The School Superintendents Association (AASA).